Burton Snowboard


Welcome to West Burton School for snowboarding and skiing. The school has a roster of 50 instructors who teach skiing and snowboarding, and they offer private lessons that are the most suitable option for all those who require their instructor the maximum attention. West Burton School also offers collective classes, and students who have a certain snowboarding ability level can be incorporated at any time into already formed groups.

Snowboard Beginners Tips

Learning snowboarding for beginners is a little more difficult than learning to ski, but that does not mean it is a difficult sport to learn. However, if you’re a skier, you’ll probably be familiar with some common practices. Here at West Burton School, we are going to give you some snowboard beginners tips so that you can start practicing this sport with a good foot. The first thing we must find out is which foot we put in front of us on the board, and for that nothing better than asking a friend to give you a push. Now all you have to do is get your gear! We are here to tell you what are the best places for buying snowboarding gear perfect for your needs. Always feel free to contact westburtonschool.co.uk, we are happy to help even if you need advanced snowboarding tips.

Underneath the apparent ease of snowboarding, there are real challenges that prevent us from making technical progress. We propose simple exercises that will help you to perform better on the slopes.

Like everything else in life, you must try to start off on the right foot. And in snowboarding, to start off on the right foot means to have the “base position” well internalized. Without a good base position, we will be able to surf and progress, but we will not do it properly and surely at some point that progression is cut, or will be ours.

Burton Snowboard Reviews

If you still donโ€™t feel ready to start practicing snowboarding this winter, donโ€™t worry, our Burton Snowboard reviews will definitely help you to make the right choice. All ski resorts are overflowing and both snowboarders and skiers enjoy their favorite sport. There are many opinions on whether snowboarding or skiing is easier. The truth is that the two sports need the dedication to get to practice them well.

Depending on the modality you like to practice we will advise you one sport or another. For example, if you like freestyle we recommend you start snowboarding. Once you have learned to go down the track you can start trying freestyle tricks and enter the snow park. You will learn freestyle faster than with skis as the board weighs less and is shorter than skis. On the contrary, if you like to go fast and practice freeride we recommend skis. Visit the online site of West Burton School and always stay updated on the latest Burton snowboard reviews.